If you are an RTO approved to deliver the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, how are you meeting the practical requirements of this qualification? Please use this Blog to share your best practice.
The Implementation Guide for TAE states the following:
Training and assessment in simulated environments
Delivery and assessment of units of competency in the TAE Training and Education Training Package must allow candidates to demonstrate consistent performance in conditions that replicate the workplace. For many of the units and qualifications in the package this includes having access to a suitable practice environment where candidates have access to a learner cohort and time to develop their practice with learners. The practice environment should be as realistic as possible and should reflect the environment in which candidates will be practising in future. To maintain the integrity of training and assessment, RTOs, trainers and assessors need to keep pace with industry technologies and ensure that learning activities and assessments accurately reflect workplace activities. RTOs will need regular contact with industry to ensure the currency and validity of all activities conducted in simulated environments.
Workplace simulation criteria
In conducting training and assessment in a simulated workplace environment, trainers and assessors must make sure that the simulated environment gives the learner the opportunity to meet the following critical criteria:
- Quality – The work is of the standard required for entry into the industry.
- Productivity – The work is performed within a timeframe appropriate for entry to the industry.
- Safety – The work is performed in a manner that meets industry safety standards.
Where simulations meet these criteria, RTOs can be confident that learners are ‘work ready’ on successful completion of units of competency.
Assessing in simulated environments
Simulations must provide opportunities for integrated assessment of competence that include:
- performing the task (task skills)
- managing a number of tasks (task management skills)
- dealing with workplace irregularities such as unexpected problems, breakdowns and changes in routine (contingency management skills)
- fulfilling the responsibilities and expectations of the job and workplace, including working with others (job/role environment skills)
- transferring competencies to new contexts.
Assessment activities must be realistic and reasonable in terms of scale. Assessment conducted under simulated conditions should reflect those typically found in the workplace.
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