Should graduating teachers be required to undergo a literacy and numeracy test to ensure they meet the required standard? This question was posed in The Australian newspaper, Feb 27 2014. (see article below) The question was relating to graduate teachers but in light of the national focus on literacy levels is this not a relevant […]
Benefits of LLN training for VET Teachers – why do VET teachers constantly seem to have to upgrade their teaching qualifications?
As a VET teacher the advantages of completing LLN training are invaluable. The tools and information received are relevant and helpful immediately to apply in the classroom. It is pleasing to see the unit, TAELLN411 is going to become a core unit in the new Certificate IV TAE qualification. It is, and really should always […]
ITTA Student Testimonials
This Blog is for VET practitioners to network, pose questions around current Vocational Education and Training (VET) practices and participate in or lead, professional conversations relating to the VET industry”.
TAELLN401A Address Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy unit to become mandatory for all VET teachers
As a teacher are you able to answer the following LLN questions relating to your students? 1. What is the existing level of LLN skills of each of my learners? 2. What is the level of LLN skills that is required in the workplace (as described by the training specification)? 3. What is the level […]
The need for reform of teacher training
Read the article on the link below and feel free to air your thoughts about the need for higher entry levels for teacher training. What do you think about Mr Piccoli’s comment below? “All the discussion of Australia slipping in education rankings is just hot air unless you raise standards. The countries that do […]
Teachers to undergo performance reviews
In August 2012 the Federal Education Minister, Peter Garrett, said that Performance Reviews of Teachers were a “genuinely big and important reform”. Read more and add your thoughts.