What contributes to a successful meeting?

The success of a meeting depends primarily on the skills of the Chair in managing the group dynamics and maintaining focus. This skill is something that comes with experience. List some of the things that you feel may cause a meeting to derail or write a paragraph on what you


  • A meeting can be derailed when others misinterpret the context of the meeting or bring their own agenda. When people go on tangents and take the group off topic.
    If the chair is not leading the group and bringing the discussion back on topic.
    If people are not interested in the agenda or the presentation is not engaging so people being to talk amongst themselves.

  • Emily Gilbert

    People can derail meetings, someone bringing their own agenda to a meeting.
    Participants who believe its a waste of their time.
    The Chair of the meeting not engaging the participants.
    Meeting running off track or going over time.
    Letting a participant talk for too long- distracting the group.
    Letting a participant cause conflict or getting involved in conflict.

  • Martin Wilson

    Having a defined purpose or agenda for the meeting, a defined time frame for the meeting, what is to be achieved at the conclusion of the meeting

  • Having an agenda.
    Defining what the meeting is about and having goals and objectives.
    Participation by everyone.

  • Some of things that may cause a meeting to derail is a lack of agenda, lack of respect for other participants, not keeping to time (so getting caught up in one topic and missing others), not planning how to approach topics especially sensitive topics and boredom or irrelevant invites that can lead to participants being bored.

  • Scott McBean

    A successful meeting outcome involves planning carefully those who will attend, ensuring the associated presentation material is well organised and then making sure the meeting progresses in line with its plan. Staying focused on the goals and not letting vocal members derail or change the direction of the meeting, particularly if it is meeting with subject material that some are quite passionate about.

  • Lauren Smart

    Everyone contributing ideas not just one person.

    • Sorry i just realised my comment didnt fully publish!
      In a well planned meeting its important that everyone has the opportunity to be heard but the role of the chairperson is also critical to manage conflict and keep everyone on track and to time. Having too many agenda items can result in a meeting losing focus and meaning and cause participants to fade out. Having a well thought out agenda with time constraints will ensure the meeting runs smoothly and progresses to schedule and discourages participants from getting carried away or off topic.

  • Organisation is the key to successful meetings. Planning prior with the agenda/outline and sticking to a timeline is very important.
    Ensuring all people have a voice during the meeting allows proper understanding and feedback after to ensure all bases are covered.

  • In my opinion a successful meeting is one that is prepared, where all participants have an agenda or outline. Sticking to time and giving every speaker the opportunity to be heard is also important. I believe the role of the Chairperson is very important because their role is to keep the meeting on schedule and on subject. Possible derailing can happen if the Chairperson is not able to bring the meeting back to schedule.

  • Lorraine

    Being on time is essential to avoid derailing at the very beginning of a meeting. I also think that lack of preparation or poor knowledge of the agenda can lead to a meeting not staying on track.
    A successful meeting would be one that encourages participants to feel comfortable and valued, to exchange information , and see critics opinions useful as the devils advocate.

  • Main derailers that I’ve experienced before include when time frames are not stuck to, when people get caught up on a phrase and miss the big picture, when certain people “hog the limelight” and when agendas are not sent out. This causes meetings to be a waste of time and generally speaking leave all participants feeling worse for wear.

    • Academy Staff

      Yes I would agree Elyse, it is very time wasting listen to someone prattle on about their own issues and not on matters relevant to all.

  • Ben Lock

    A successful meeting needs a clear agenda and purpose. Too often meetings are run for the sake of it, with the outcome tending to be an extended discussion with no outcome. The chair of a successful meeting must take control early and prevent any distractions from taking over the agenda. It can be very difficult to prevent side conversations from occurring, particularly when a meeting is compulsory for all staff. and this is where a skilful chair is required to take control.

    • Kerry Hall

      You are absolutely correct Ben. If the chair does this the meeting will be more meaningful and engaging for the participants.

  • Ben Lock

    A successful meeting needs a clear agenda and purpose. Too often meetings are run for the sake of it, with the outcome tending to be an extended discussion with no outcome. The chair of a successful meeting must take control early and prevent any distractions from taking over the agenda. It can be very difficult to prevent side conversations from occurring, particularly when a meeting is compulsory for all staff. and this is where a skilful chair is required to take control.

    • Kerry Hall

      You are absolutely correct Ben. If the chair does this the meeting will be more meaningful and engaging for the participants.

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