Professional Development
Why is Professional Development important for Teachers and Managers?
People participate in professional development for the following purposes; interest in lifelong learning, to maintain professional competence, keep up-to-date with new technology, and comply with work regulations.
The International Teacher Training Academy’s (ITTA) vision is to provide lifelong learning and support for teachers and managers. To support this learning, ITTA holds professional development workshops and teaching events regularly throughout the year.
In the discussion paper, Great Teaching, Inspired Learning, published by the NSW state government (2012), there is strong emphasis on the need for teachers to develop and maintain professional practice. This quote taken from the paper indicates the government’s interest in promoting professional development for teachers.
To ensure we have inspired learning in every classroom in every school, teachers need to develop and maintain their professional practice. Quality professional learning leads to improved teaching practice and improved student outcomes.
The current focus from both state and federal governments for our education system and teacher quality indicates there will a greater emphasis on teacher performance and ability. To support teachers in their on-going career, there is an expectation that they will be required to engage regularly in professional development activities. This is in alignment with the ITTA’s goal to provide regular support and opportunity for teachers to attend professional development workshops and events.
Personality Type
Appreciation and knowledge of personality types is another way teachers can prepare for, manage and understand learners. Learning about personality types can be a useful teaching tool. The International Teacher Training Academy provides professional development opportunities for Myers-Briggs training with certified MBTI trainers.
Inclusive Teaching
Get to know your students, one of the most effective ways to understand and engage students is to be interested in them. The media, national leaders and the education community are currently very focused on what makes a great teacher.
Read the comments of individuals who share their personal memories of the qualities they remember about their teachers that made their learning experience special under the “Teacher Testimonials” heading on this page.
Further interesting reading on great teachers: