Motivation for Teaching
“Perhaps the most important thing teachers communicate to students and to the community is a sense of satisfaction with their choice of teaching as their life mission. Teaching at its highest level is a calling, and good teachers feel it to their cores.
Sixteen Qualities of a Good Teacher, Doug Eikermann
Who chooses teaching and why?
How would you answer this question –
I chose to become a teacher because ………
A person’s reasons, both conscious and unconscious, for choosing teaching as a career will undoubtedly affect their attitude and behaviour.
In the 1970’s there was such a shortage of teachers in Australia that the government recruited teachers from the UK and the USA to meet the needs of schools. Scholarships for teaching were available to all who met the basic criteria as long as they agreed to sign a bond which meant they would be required to teach for the education department for a set period of time after completing their training. This proved to be a good incentive and many people chose teaching as a career pathway because they were unsuccessful in gaining entry to other areas of study.
Why do people choose to become teachers? Some people chose this career path because they were encouraged by baby boomer parents who thought that teaching would provide job security, good holidays and reasonable pay.
How many people are motivated to teach for altruistic reasons? Some people who are teachers say that it is a thankless job and others say that they love what they do and can’t imagine doing anything else. There are many teachers who never really see the fruits of their effort because they work with adolescents who are still growing into the people they will eventually become.
Qualities of a Good Teacher
- professional commitment
- concern and responsibility for student motivation and learning outcomes
- thoughtful and perceptive engagement of students
- developing excellent communications skills
- effectiveness and willingness to continually self-assess, seek to improve, refine and update teaching techniques and resources
- seeking and responding positively to feedback from peers and mentors
- reflecting on personal strengths and weaknesses then taking action to promote change and growth
We’re educators. We’re born to make a difference.
Rita F. Pierson
The difference Pierson refers to is not only helping students learn, but being a positive force in their lives. In her TED Talk, she calls on teachers to build relationships with their students, no matter how challenging that may be. Pierson shares examples of gestures large and small to bolster students’ self-esteem.
Watch Rita’s inspiring message on her teaching experience below.