As part of our quality training and assessment practices we value industry input to ensure that our training and assessment strategies reflect industry needs. As the BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management is a newly endorsed qualification (March 2015), we invite you to participate in this Blog to provide industry feedback. Below is a brief overview of our training and assessment strategy for this qualification.
TRAINING AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGY (Overview) for BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
There are no entry requirements for this qualification; however for those considering a learning and assessment pathway it would be desirable for participants to be in a leadership position or aspiring to obtain a leadership/management role.
Access to a work environment will be necessary so that current, quality evidence of competency against the relevant unit of competency may be provided. Well-developed verbal and written communication skills and interpersonal skills are required and will be assessed during a pre-enrolment interview and completion of a written statement outlining career aspirations.
The preferred pathways for candidates considering RPL for this qualification include:
- BSB40215 Certificate IV in Business, BSB40515 Certificate IV in Business Administration or BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
- Extensive vocational experience but without formal supervision or management qualification
Participants should meet one of the preferred pathways listed above prior to enrolling in the course and will undergo a pre-enrolment interview either on the telephone or in person to demonstrate they are suitable to undertake learning at Diploma level.
Duration: Duration is 12 months however this will vary according to the prior skills and knowledge and available time of the candidate. This would allow sufficient time for the compilation of portfolios, observation of workplace performance and skills application, and oral and/or written assessment as required.
Delivery options:
- Group workshops
- Distance delivery
- Assessment only
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
Distance students will be allocated a trainer/assessor to support and mentor through their learning pathway. Trainers and Assessors have many years of management experience. RPL and Assessment only candidates will be allocated an assessor who will mentor and support throughout the process.
Following is a brief explanation of delivery modes:
All participants are provided with a Learner Guide and Assessment Task workbook.
Group Workshops
These are face-to-face workshops which can be delivered at the workplace or delivered off-site at a training venue. There would be 12 workshops delivered over a 12 month period (1 workshop per month). Each workshop would focus on learning content for the unit being delivered and a thorough overview of the assessment tasks provided. Assessment tasks are workplace relevant so participants would complete the required assessment tasks in the workplace within the allocated time (a timeframe of approximately 4 weeks per unit).
Distance Delivery Mode
The program will be delivered via distance supported with face-to-face workshop where practical. Where there are individual students (ie not groups) then 1:1 mentoring and support will be provided via phone, email, web conferencing. A 2 to 3 hour session will be held with groups and/or individuals at the commencement of each unit to provide a thorough overview of the Learner Guide and content for the unit as well as the assessment tasks which are practical tasks related to the workplace. (A timeframe of approximately 4 weeks per unit).
Delivery may include but is not limited to face to face workshops, Zoom workshops, use of learner guides and information, PowerPoint presentations, handouts and use of U-tube, Moodle as a repository for additional “best practice” learning resources. Best practice will also be modelled throughout the training program by the Academy Teachers during facilitation of Zoom workshops and individual mentoring and support.
Assessment-only or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) pathway where the candidate provides current, quality evidence of their competency against the relevant unit.
The process may be directed by the candidate and verified by the assessor, such as in the compilation of portfolios.
The process may be directed by the assessor such as through observation of workplace performance and skills application, and oral and/or written assessment.
Where the outcomes of the process indicate that the candidate is competent, structured training is not required. If the candidate cannot provide sufficient workplace evidence, this does not necessarily mean that the candidate cannot RPL the qualification – in this case the Assessor will ask the candidate to complete selected practical activities which are documented in the Assessor Guide.
Participants will have access to their assessor for support and direction by email, phone, Skype and Zoom meetings as required.
Listed below are the Core Units (which are mandatory) and the Elective Units (from which 8 must be selected – 4 must be selected from Group A and the remaining 4 may be selected from either Group A or B). I have highlighted (in red) the electives that we have selected based on industry feedback to date, however, all additional input from industry will be taken into consideration to inform and guide our continuous improvement.
Core Units
BSBLDR501 Develop and use emotional intelligence
BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan
BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness
Elective Units
Group A
BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service
BSBFIM501 Manage budgets and financial plans
BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction staff
BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment
BSBIPR501 Manage intellectual property to protect and grow business
BSBLDR503 Communicate with influence
BSBLDR504 Manage diversity in the workplace
BSBMGT502 Manage people performance
BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement
BSBMGT518 Develop organisation policy
BSBMGT519 Incorporate digital solutions into plans and practices
BSBMGT520 Plan and manage the flexible workforce
BSBPMG522 Undertake project work
BSBRSK501 Manage risk
BSBWHS501 Ensure a safe workplace
BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Group B
BSBADM502 Manage meetings
BSBCOM503 Develop processes for the management of breaches in compliance requirements
BSBFRA502 Manage a franchise operation
BSBHRM511 Manage expatriate staff
BSBHRM512 Develop and manage performance-management processes
BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning
BSBINM501 Manage an information or knowledge management system
BSBINN501 Establish systems that support innovation
BSBLED501 Develop a workplace learning environment
BSBMGT521 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program
BSBMKG507 Interpret market trends and developments
BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs
BSBREL502 Build international business networks
BSBSLS501 Develop a sales plan
BSBSLS502 Lead and manage a sales team
BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability
BSBWRK510 Manage employee relations
Please post to this BLOG your comments as to whether you feel our training and assessment strategy would meet your industry needs and whether the Electives (highlighted red) are relevant for your industry/organisation. Feel free to suggest other electives that may benefit your industry area and provide an explanation as to why the identified elective/s would be advantageous.
Thank you for your contribution.
Carolyn Fletcher
Michael Close says
I have been working in Business Advisory Services for the past 12 years delivering government contracts to small businesses from ‘business concept’ to ‘commercialisation’. In assisting to establish over 700 new businesses it was very evident too often that this course is crucial to the development of those seeking to move into management roles as there is no current legislative requirement for invididuals who start or manage businesses to have undertaken any formal qualifications for business or having basic financial acumen.
The units highlighted above provide an excellent balance to the skills required to lead and manage and the only unit I would like to see considered is BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning due to the current climate where there are constant movement in individuals employment and the loss of key stakeholder knowledge when these staff leave or retire.
Small businesses may have a dependency on individual/s and the lack of internal staff development/knowledge management can significantly affect these businesses should these skills be lost or not passed on.
I believe a combination of blended learning would be the best delivery method for this course.
Michael Close says
As per my previous comment I strongly endorse the addition of BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction staff. This unit is essential to small business operators due to the time and cost associated with continual training and pof new staff.
As a small business with often limited to no HR Manager you can potentially not remain current with legislation changes, staff entitlements and ensuring key checks of currency and certification/licencing of new staff which can put your business at risk.
Darren Leaney says
Business Development Now has consulted with over 250 Businesses in Regional Australia over the past 5 years and feel well positioned to offer feedback on the units chosen in the Diploma of Leadership & Management. I believe the units in the qualification will meet a range of industries ..
Julie Aldridge says
From the perspective of a small to medium business I feel that the selection of units identified above are all relevant. I note the comments regarding the unit Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff, however, from a small to medium business owners’ point of view this unit would definitely be one that would be of benefit to us as we recruit, select and induct our own staff (this is not done from a central office).
The training and assessment strategy outlined above would fit well with our staff and workplace as the distance delivery allows flexibility for study outside of work hours. The 1:1 mentored support and having direct access to the trainer via phone and email would definitely be beneficial and I feel a much needed support throughout the course. The timeframe of 12 months would be manageable for staff but flexibility on the timeframe would be good in case workload impacts on completion. Having the assessment tasks relating to the workplace is definitely a plus. This learning and assessment strategy would allow sufficient flexibility for staff and also allows the student to self-direct learning.
Mereki says
Hi ladies,
I think there are some brilliant units in the electives, allowing managers to develop a generalist approach, or specialist around areas like economics, sales, technology/systems, or HR.
It would certainly be hard for me to pick just 8 electives from these
The managers I work with are sometimes involved with recruitment, though it’s not a substantial part of their role.
I agree with David and J – including the ‘Communicate with influence’ unit would be useful, especially considering the amount of change happening in some industries at the moment – combined with the new emotional intelligence core (hooray!) this would help managers to lead and influence teams more quickly and effectively through the inevitable change curve reaction.
Thanks for the opportunity to contribute.
David Lorkin says
I also feel the unit BSBLDR503 Communicate with influence would be a good inclusive as that does seem to be a skill a lot of Managers cannot do.successfully.
With the unit BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff would be an easier one for me to RPL as I have a unit SITXHRM501 Recruit, select and induct staff on my SI60313 – Advanced Diploma of Hospitality and it could seem a wee bit of “over-kill”.
J Kelly - Families Programme DHS says
I feel that the unit BSBLDR503 Communicate with influence should be included as this is an area that requires development in most places.
The unit BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff would be the least relevant to our organisation as recruitment is done by a central team and not locally.